Active Projects
- GeoAdria. "Geodynamics of Adria microplate, mantle to surface". Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento, Spanish Government, 2023-2026. PI: Ivone Jiménez-Munt and Daniel García-Castellanos
COCREA. "Valoración del potencial geotérmico del territorio de alto Guadiana sobre la base de razones tectónicas e hidrogeológicas. PI: C. de Santiago Buey (IGME), Ivone Jiménez-Munt (Geo3BCN)
ChEESE-2. "Center of Excellence in Solid Earth - Second Phase". Europe, EuroHPC research and innovation programme. PI: Arnau Folch.
PhD Thesis
Wentao Zhang. "The Central Alpine Mediterranean Orogenic System: numerical modelling of the lithospheric structure and the topographic response". Funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC). Advisors: Ivone Jiménez-Munt, Ana Negredo, Montserrat Torné.
Hanneke Heida. "Isostatic vertical motions during the Messinian salt giant or marginal vertical motions". Contract from SALTGIANT ETN. Started on October 2018. Advisors: Daniel Garcia-Castellanos and Ivone Jiménez-Munt.
Kittiphon Boonma. "Geodynamical modeling of lithospheric slab-tearing and the topographic response". Contract from SUBITOP ETN. October 2021. Thesis pdf. Advisors: Ivone Jiménez-Munt and Daniel Garcia-Castellanos.
Angel Valverde. "Numerical modeling of the Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the Iberian microplate". FPI from MITE Project. January 2021. Thesis pdf. Advisors: Ivone Jiménez-Munt and Daniel Garcia-Castellanos.
Lavinia Tunini. "The Central Asia collision zone: numerical modelling of the lithospheric structure and the present-day kinematics". University of Barcelona, May 2015. Thesis pdf. Advisors: Ivone Jiménez-Munt and Manel Fernandez.
Alberto Carballo. "Geophysical and petrological characterization of the lithospheric mantle in Iberia and North Africa". University of Barcelona, May 2015. Thesis pdf. Advisors: Manel Fernandez and Ivone Jiménez-Munt