Active deformation in the Mediterranean from Gibraltar to Anatolia inferred from numerical, geodetic and seismological data
From Gibraltar to Anatolia, the active tectonics in
the Mediterranean is studied by means of an integrated approach
based on geophysical, geodetic and seismological methodologies.
The aim of this study is to gain a deep insight into the kinematics
and dynamics of the crustal and lithospheric processes affecting
the Mediterranean. Major tectonic processes, such as continental
collision and subduction, characterize this region that marks a
broad transition zone between the African/Arabian and Eurasian plates.
A thin-shell finite element approach allows us to simulate the deformation
pattern in the Mediterranean, from 10W to 40E and from 30 to 50N.
The global plate motion model NUVEL-1A is used to account for the
convergence, while the relative velocities of the overriding and
subduction plates are obtained from another family of models. These
models simulate the effects of the negatively buoyant density contrasts
of the subducted lithosphere on the horizontal velocity at the surface.
A systematic comparison between model results and the seismic strain
rates obtained from the NEIC catalogue, the geodetic velocity field
and strain resulting from GPS, SLR and VLBI analyses and the World
Stress Map, indicate thatAfrica/Arabia vs Eurasia convergence and
subduction in the Aegean Sea and Calabrian Arc are the major tectonic
mechanisms controlling the deformation style in the Mediterranean.
It is shown that, in order to carry into coincidence the modeled
and the seismic strain rate patterns and the geodetically retrieved
strain rate tensors, a deep subduction in the Aegean Arc must be
included in the modeling |
Maximum principal strain rate resulting from the model considering
the active Africa - Eurasia convergence and the subduction forces
in the Aegean and Tyrrhenian Sea.
Maximum principal strain rate resulting from the model considering
the active Africa-Eurasia convergence and the subduction forces in
the Aegean and Tyrrhenian Sea. |
The block-like behaviour of Anatolia envisaged in the modeled and geodetic strain rates
The geodetic velocity and strain rate patterns in Anatolia constrain
the rheology of the lithosphere, once compared with thin shell finite
element tectonic model predictions, based on the kinematics imposed
by NUVEL-1A and on the subduction forces in the Aegean. Geodetic
and modeled deformation favors a hard lithospheric rheology, responsible
for the high East-West horizontal velocities in the center of Anatolia,
between 39 - 41 N latitude, in proximity of the North Anatolian
Fault. The block like behavior of Anatolia, due to the hard lithospheric
rheology, is responsible for the low geodetic and modeled strain
rates in the center of the peninsula. The low strain rate is well
correlated with the region of low release of seismic energy between
33 -36 E longitudes and 38 -40 N latitudes. The high seismic and
geodetic strain rate region in the far west part of the NAF is also
well reproduced by the modeling.
Seismicity with magnitude Ms from NEIC Catalogue (1903-1999) and
seismic strain rate.
Geodetic (bold arrows) and modeled (empty arrows) horizontal strain
rate tensor, in units of 40 nanostrain/yr,
1 nanostrain/yr=3.2exp(-17) 1/s.
Extension is represented in black and compression in red