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SISAT: Seismic characterization of the crust and lithospheric mantle beneath the High Atlas

The objective of this complementary action, associated to the Project "TopoAtlas"
(CGL2006-05493/BTE) is to estimate the crust and lithosphere-mantle thicknesses
beneath several points in the High Atlas and to evaluate the seismic velocities changes of the lithospheric mantle along the Atlas chain and the margins to correlate with the temperature, density and composition variations. In order to do that, we propose the deployment of 4 broadband stations along the axis of the Atlas Mountains for at least one year, seizing the opportunity of the recent broadband stations deployment in the project "SIBERIA" to study the Rif and the Moroccan margin. These estimations will constrain the geodynamic numerical model that we are developing on the "TopoAtlas" project and, therefore, we will get a better understanding of the several processes that shaped the tectonic and relief characteristics of the chain.

